Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thankful Thursdays....

One of my other goals in life, besides laughing at myself, is to be really, truly thankful for the blesings that God has placed in my life. So, in an concious effort to write some of these blessings out, I have decided to start a Thankful Thursday blog post... So, here, in no particular order, is a list of things that I am thankful for right now.

1. The COOLER Weather!! - This one is an automatic for me. After what has been a very, loooong, hot summer of many sick tummies, the cooler weather is a balm for my very spirit. The girls and I enjoyed an early morning playdate at the park this past week with some other Mommies and kiddos.

And, get this....


At least not until about 10:00 a.m. , at which point it did start to get a "tad" uncomfortable...however, a *tad*, as we all know, is like a smidgen, which means that the heat was still in the bearable range VS the heat-is-so-bad-I-will-melt-like-a-purple-popsicle...

2. My wondefully supportive hubby - Although I am in my second trimester, I still get very tired at the end of most days. The night before last, my sweet hubby "made" dinner by ordering a pizza for the family, and last night, he let me lay down and take a 40 minute nap on the couch while he took the girls to their room and played "Farm Set" with them. Most nights, if I ask him ever so sweetly, he will even concede to rubbing my back or my cute little feet (hey, my belly is swelling to the size of a watermelon..I reserve the right to think my feet are still cute!! :)

3. Our summer vacation - I will post some pictures and a little bit more about our summer vacation, but for now, I just want to share that the summer vacation was just a wonderful gift from God, beginning to end!! :) Pictures coming soon - I PROMISE!!

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