Thursday, September 13, 2007

Random Blessings - Part 2

Here is some more of my my random blessings that happened during my When-Will-This-Ever-Be-Over-Someone-Stop-This-Ride-And-Let-Me-Off first trimester.

1. My sister came down from Oklahoma for a few weeks and stayed with my parents (who live next door). My sister is SUCH an AMAZING cook, and one of her dreams is to open her own cafe' and coffee shop someday. She volunteered to cook for our family a few nights a week (I helped with grocery costs) since my morning sickness kept me far away from the kitchen and food in general.What a blessing! My family loved ALL of the amazing dinners that she cooked for us (I think we might have even gotten a little spoiled) It was SO great to have my sister around.I really enjoyed getting to visit with her face to face, and she and I got to do lots of things together (shopping at Sprouts is NOT the same without you, Autumn!) The girls loved having their "Auntie" close-by to visit and love on too. It's kind-of a washed-out picture, but here's a picture of us at the Rainforest Cafe'.


2. So many of my AMAZING friends supported me in a way that absolutely defies all thankfulness during my months of sickness. Offers to watch the girls, bringing dinners, sharing medication and tips for relief, and one of my friend's even surprised me by hiring a cleaning company to come and clean my house from top-to-bottom. I was so thankful, all I could do was sit and cry....
My friend Nickle-Pickle even cleaned her toilets just for me so I would have a clean place to urp at her house. :) Really, the Lord has shown me how many true friends I have, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO blessed by ALL of you!!

3. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it now, but my main reason for rejoicing over my ten week OB visit is that it meant that my first trimester was almost over! I was also VERY excited to hear the little heartbeat for the first time. Dr Mystie had trouble finding it with her little heart doppler, and since her ultrasound tech was open, she sent me in for a quickie ultrasound in the room next door. All was well, and my happy little pickle was floating about with a strong heartbeat of 176. For SO many weeks all I could think of was the naseua - getting to see the baby and that little heart beating was a very special moment for me. My Mom and Lore-lin were in the waiting room, so we called them back to take a quick peek. Lore-lin looked at the screen and said, "Yook! A ba-yooga whale!!" (we had just gotten back from Sea World) Hee,hee!! I guess the baby did look a little whale-ish at ten weeks - nothing compared to what this Mommy will look like at nine months, huh?
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