Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Week "Off"?

So, my week of abstaining from internet use was a lot tougher than I thought. And I am going to admit to you that I cheated a few times in order to send and/or check some e-mails.

And I wish I could tell you that my times of intense prayer with my husband were wonderful and fulfilling. But to be honest, our week was intense with home projects and when we sat down to pray together we were usually either really cranky or really tired (or both!). 

I look back and believe that I have no-one to blame but myself for that. God desires to know us intimately, to listen to us, and to have us know Him. The fact that I gave him my “leftover” energy, instead of the best parts of my day, shows me that I still have some work to do in my goal to make quiet time/prayer time a priority in my life.

And yes, we still have no “super-clear” answers about some of the things we’ve been praying about – things like selling our house (to move where? Good question….), things like our current work within the church, and yes, do we still want and/or are we called to move out-of-state?

These things are all on our heart, but our thoughts and actions are definitely in this moment, where I am 35 weeks pregnant, with projects needing completion before this little one’s birth.

Thank you for your prayers and understanding during my week “off”.


Lindsay said...

Selfishly I am glad you are back to your blog! :) I missed you!

I am glad you guys are accomplishing many of your house projects. I know there is always more to be done but you all are doing awesome! I am impressed!

Love to you friend!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lindsay, I missed your posts. I will be the first to admit there is no way I could go a week without my e-mail & blogs.
Very good point you made about giving our energy first to God. That is something I need to work on myself!
Glad that you were able to get some of your projects done and take some stress of!!
Loves Ya!