Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sharing A Room

First of all, let me say a big "Thank you!" to my friend Monna for being kind enough to e-mail me and ask when in the world I was going to get my be-hind in gear and start blogging again....her prodding worked and here I am, back in the blog-o-sphere.
I will go back in time to share some of the Christmas adventures of '06 with you (and I of course have to tell you about Valentine's Day!) but I thought I would start out by sharing the most recent news of the Smith household. Just last night, we moved Lore-lin into K-bug's room. It's a little tight with a crib and a toddler bed in the same room, but that just means that they are cozy, right? We have talked about the girls sharing a room from the time that Lore-lin was born - we've only just now had the guts to actually do it. They are both sleeping through the night (with the occasional nightmare or sickness keeping them awake), and putting them in together means we free up a whole room in our tiny house - maybe my hubby and I will temporarily get our bedroom back (instead of having it be the office, the music room, etc....) Yesterday's first go of the shared bedroom was at nap-time - hubby was off for President's Day, and we though this might be the perfect time to try. Of course, as we expected, the girl's chattered and squealed and laughed their way through "nap-time", despite our own repeated attempts to calm and or mildly discipline them. Last night, though, they both laid down, exhausted from the lack of nap, and slept like angels through the night. Naptime today was a little better, with Lore-lin sleeping well, and K-Bug, while not sleeping, amiably reading books for the duration of an hour in bed.
I have many, many memories of sharing a room with my sister as we grew up. As a matter of fact, I was in college before my sister and I had seperate rooms (or seperate beds, for that matter). Despite the blanket wars, the closet wars, and all of the other things associated with sharing a room with my sis, I wouldn't have changed a moment of it. I love you Autumny! :) I hope my girls will feel the same...

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